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Dragon's Rise: The Forgotten Realms - Keyframe design
Keyframe 1: The people are persecuted by the invaders. An elf, also a victim in the past, witnesses the scene.

Keyframe 1: The people are persecuted by the invaders. An elf, also a victim in the past, witnesses the scene.

Keyframe 2: Anger rises in our elf's body as she begins to fight back against her persecutors.

Keyframe 2: Anger rises in our elf's body as she begins to fight back against her persecutors.

Keyframe 3: Our elf has become a dragon that destroys invaders on its own soil.

Keyframe 3: Our elf has become a dragon that destroys invaders on its own soil.

Keyframe 4: The dragon's wrath has grown into an uncontrollable beast, destroying its own people.

Keyframe 4: The dragon's wrath has grown into an uncontrollable beast, destroying its own people.

Early sketches, The idea of the chrysalis was abandoned.

Early sketches, The idea of the chrysalis was abandoned.

chrysalis sketches (abandoned idea)

chrysalis sketches (abandoned idea)

I wanted to mix dragon with moth to refresh the usual dragon design a bit.

I wanted to mix dragon with moth to refresh the usual dragon design a bit.

Some dragon head sketches...

Some dragon head sketches...

Dragon's Rise: The Forgotten Realms - Keyframe design

Here is my participation in my very first Artstation challenge. It was quite hard to concentrate because I wasn't home to work on this project but I finally managed to finish it on time.
It took me a while to find my story but I finally managed to find something that suited my vision.

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